How I feel About Painting Memorial Commissions

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Today I wanted to share about something that I went through at the end of 2020. I haven't spoken much about it to date, at least publicly. I wanted to talk about this little commissioned memorial pet portrait, and in doing so, talk about that tough part in my life, since this little painting had a big effect on me at that time.

Instead of just doing a post about it, I've put it into words through video so that you can listen to the story, and watch this oil painting of little Bella come to life!

I hope you enjoyed the chat! It was good to talk about it, but it was also difficult to put it all out there... I second guessed myself a lot, and so the video is only up 3 days after I originally planned to post. Take care of yourselves, and I hope to post again for you all soon! Thanks for being here!


1 comment :

  1. Your comments and your painting are beautiful! And I cried. You never outgrow your parents, and you never stop missing them (my husband and I have lost all 4 of our parents), but healing does come. Thank you for sharing both with us!


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