DIY Faux Shiplap & Templating An Alcove Area

Friday, April 28, 2017

I've finally gotten this tutorial done! Phew! It was tough trying to get Vada to cooperate with me--often she didn't--and you'll see evidence of that in the video in how many different outfits I'm wearing, indicating how many different days I worked on it. Little by little I got it done though and so here is my tutorial for DIY Faux Shiplap Walls. Take a peek...

If you're interested in the framed lettering project on my faux shiplap wall I will be featuring that on the blog pretty soon, so make sure to come back or subscribe to email notifications (RSS feed) so you don't miss that!

In the video I show my method of creating a faux shiplap wall and the supplies I used, but I also show how to create a template if you're working around irregular shaped bump-outs (or...bump-ins ??) on a wall. If you don't need that part of the video make sure to pay attention to the pop-ups for when you should skip, and what part of the video to skip to. Also, those pop-ups have valuable information for you, so pay attention or you could miss something important. ;) Let's watch...

That's it for this post, friends! I hope you enjoyed Vada's little cameo appearances and sorry, again, about her whining... we are starting training in a week! Yay!

Sam ♡

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