
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Pineapple Pattern Nail Tutorial - Easy & Fun for Summer

Pineapples have been showing up on just about everything and I am completely on board with this trend! Maybe you'll see more pineapples in my DIYs to come! They are perfect for summer... anything, really, and are definitely one of the things that pop in my head when I think tropical, warm weather, summer! So, being that summer is just around the corner--it was 27 degrees Celsius here in Calgary a couple days ago--I felt the desire to have pineapple pattern on my nails, and in this post I'm showing you how do get them, too! So easy to do, just keep reading...

The first thing you'll need to do is paint your nails with a base coat and then 2 coats of white nail polish. Then you can get right into design following the next steps outlined below.

Step 1 | Using a dotting tool and yellow nail polish--I'll leave a list of polishes I used at the end of the tutorial--create oval shapes for the pineapple fruit. Make sure to stagger your ovals so they don't line up side by side, and also remember to leave space above each yellow oval to accommodate the pineapple leaves we'll paint in Step 2. Don't worry about any over-painting on your skin, we'll clean it all up in a later step.

Step 2 | Using a dotting tool once again--you can also try a toothpick--and green nail polish, paint a straight line from the center of your yellow oval, overlapping the yellow slightly, up to just below your next yellow oval.

Step 3 | Continuing with your dotting tool and green polish, finish your pineapple leaves--2 leaves on each side of the middle leaf--one under the other.

Step 4 | Add leaves to all your yellow ovals, and don't forget the leaves in places where you may not be able to see the yellow oval - just below my center pineapple in the photo for example; it's a pattern so if you were looking at a large sheet of the pattern, there would be leaves there.

Step 5 | Using gold polish and a thin brush, paint a cross-hatch pattern (think angled hashtag) in the center of all your yellow ovals to create that diamond shape "texture" that pineapples have.

Step 6 | Use a small brush and acetone to clean up any polish that got on your skin and around your nail beds.

Step 7 | Once your pattern is dry enough, apply a top coat to the entire nail very quickly, making sure not to brush over it more than once to prevent smudging of your pattern. If you feel you need more top coat, wait until the first coat has dried to prevent smudging or smearing your pattern.

OPTION | You can use my DIY Nail Wraps tutorial to create this pattern as a wrap, making it easier to get a consistently nicely painted pattern on both hands! You can find that video tutorial below OR you can find my DIY Nail Wraps post here, there are a few extra tips over there.

Essie - All-In-One Base & Top Coat (base coat)
Essie - Blanc (entire nail color)
Sally Hansen Insta-Dri - Lightening Eclair (bright yellow ovals)
China Glaze - Holly-Day (mixed with yellow for leaves)
L.A. Colors Art Deco - Gold Rush Nail Art Laquer (cross-hatch pattern)
Revlon Colorstay Gel Envy - Diamond Top Coat

Have fun! I'm enjoying my pineapple pattern manicure and I'm sure you will, too! These will be a regular manicure for me this summer, I'm sure of it!


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