
Monday, August 18, 2014

I'm Still Here! Promise!

Hi guys!
I just wanted to do a quick little post for any of you who are following me here on my blog but may not be following on Facebook to address where I have been hiding for the last little while... and just a side note, if you're not following me on Facebook yet, why not? Come on over and hit that little like button. I'm always updating what's going on with The Creative Glow over there. Here's the link: .

Okay, so now that I've dealt with that, where have I been? Well, I am still here, so don't you guys worry. The reason I have been MIA on my blog recently is that we've just gone through a huge move. If you are following me on Facebook then you probably already know this, but what you might not know is that we've had to deal with a lot of crazy shenanigans throughout this move and it's just made things a little bit difficult in getting back to my blog. But now that we've got all of our stuff moved in, we've got things semi-organized, and things are starting to look more and more like a home each day, I am finally ready to get back to regular blogging. Yay! 

Again, if you're following me on Facebook, then you already know that I have a new video filmed for you guys already, I'm in the process of editing it, and it will be up this week. I will also be working on more comic book stuff, so I will have a new Art Series post showing some of that next week. I will also have a new Monthly Beauty Buys at the end of this month for August. I did skip July since we did have a lot of stuff going on, but I will be getting back to those posts as well. And then, besides all that, I just also wanted to let you guys know that I've got lots of other post ideas and video ideas in the works, and lots of ideas for decor in our new place, so things are about to really start getting ramped up.

I guess that's it for this little update post, everyone. I really miss you all, as I said I've got lots of exciting things planned, and stay tuned for my new video toward the end of this week!


All the links you’ll need to join in the fun with me:

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  1. Look forward to seeing your new creations. :) Would you be doing anything for us ladies over 50? Maybe some makeup tips

    1. Hm... well, I'm not sure I would be the best person to give makeup tips for that age range since I haven't had to makeup my face at that age quite yet. :) But, I could do some research to find out what are the issues that women 50+ face when applying makeup or coming up with a makeup regimen. What type of things would you yourself be interested in having help with? If I can get some good ideas for it, I can put this video idea on my list of videos to do because it is a great idea. Just have to make sure the information I give is relevant and that I have people who will want to watch it. If I do it, I hope you'll share, share, share to get it out to your demographic! :)


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