
Monday, February 12, 2018

Art Series #15 - Eye Study in Oils & My New Motivation

Today I am sharing with you the second of my oil studies, Study of an Eye, before I move on to my first full size oil painting this year. If you'd like to see my first oil study, check out Art Series #14 - Lips Study in Oils. I set up a poll over on YouTube asking my subscribers what they'd like to hear me talk about in this video, and the winner was "my new motivation" with 41% of the votes. If you missed that poll and want to be included in future polls or other things, then subscribe to my YouTube channel to get those notifications over there! So my new motivation is what I talk about while you watch the time-lapse footage of the painting process of this eye...

Friday, February 2, 2018

DIY Glass Paint Palette - Cheap & Easy as Heck!

I have to say that I've been really loving my homemade glass paint palette since I made it over a year ago! Your paint swirls around on it so nicely--which is amazing for colour mixing--and you can easily scoop up every last bit of paint with your brush, leaving behind barely any residue, which means so much less wasting of expensive paints! And it's soooo cheap to make one! Being that I've been painting a lot lately, and have been realizing my appreciation for this amazing painting tool even more, it dawned on me that this would be a great tutorial to show my fellow artist followers/subscribers, so I whipped up this little tutorial for you - I hope you'll be as crazy about it as I am! Let's take a look...