
Friday, May 9, 2014

VOTING TIME!! 100 Subscribers 'Thank-you Prize' Poll


So, I’m back home from my little adventure this past weekend. As I said on facebook, I have a few things to blog about this week and I will be blogging more about that adventure with photos in the coming days! 

First, if you remember from one of my blog posts a couple of weeks ago, I was about to reach my 100 subscriber milestone on YouTube, and I did, a few days after that. If you're following me on facebook, then you already know this. But, yes, it was just over a week ago now… now I’ve got 126 subscribers! :D It’s so exciting and almost hard to believe, at times, that 100 (now 126) of you lovely people out there want to watch my videos. I am so, so, so, soooo grateful for each and every single one of the people who have subscribed to my channel and I love you all and welcome anyone else who wants to become a part of our little YouTube fun family! So, if you’re reading my blog for the first time, or haven’t subscribed yet, know I am waiting to welcome you over there on my channel ;)